Our Goats are Outstanding in their Field






Charity Reckmann and Rock Garden Boers Mustang Sally won Reserve Grand Champion Fullblood Yearling Doe!  Whoopeeee!!!!



Wasco County Fair

Lookie, Lookie Charity and Sally did us proud!

Charity Reckmann and Rock Garden Boers Mustang Sally won Grand Champion Meat Doe!  They also won Reserve Champion in Showmanship.  So excited for them!




Wallowa County Fair

Ian Goodrick and Rock Garden Boers Scout, Champion Market wether.  Congratulations!!!







Crook County Fair

Kaylin Dill and Rock Garden Boers Paprika rocked the show ring taking home Champion Breeding Doe in FFA.  That is awesome considering Paprika was born December 23, 2015. 




 Umatilla County Fair 

Bree and Adri Lopez both did an outstanding job showing this year.  Bree received 1st in Showmanship and Breeding doe and Adri received 1st and Grand Champion in Showmanship and 1st in market, standing 3rd in her weight class.  Congratulations girls!!!


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2015 has been a fun year:

Crook County Fair

Lookie here!  Rock Garden Boers Tiny Dancer won Champion and Overall Grand Champion of the Crook County Fair.  We are so proud of Ben and this beautiful doe.  My has she grown up!



Here is Tiny at just a few days old

 Umatilla County Fair

We had two wethers at this fair and Bree Lopez and her wether Beast Mode took 2nd in the heavy weight class and 3rd Over All.   Bree and Beast Mode also took Champion Showman in Showmanship.  Natalie LeGore and her February wether Roscoe, took 5th in the class.

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 Eastern Oregon Livestock Show

All Four Does took first in their breeding class

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 Union County Fair

Three of the Rock Garden Does took first in their breeding class with the fourth Doe who was in the same class as her herd mate, took second.  Sophia took Reserve Over All in the Breeding class

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Polk County Fair

Caleb Hertel and his wether Rock Garden Boers Hiccup in the ring at the Polk County Fair.  Caleb and Hiccup took 3rd in the Market Goat Class.

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 Clackamas County Fair:

Samantha Messner just took 1st in senior junior doe with Nirvana.


 Wasco County Fair:

Chasity Reckmann and Rock Garden Boers Mustang Sally took Champion in her class and Reserve Champion Overall. 20150816_113248_resized_1

Oregon State Fair:

Chasity Reckmann and Rock Garden Boers Mustang Sally grabbed an 8th place in a class of 25. Samantha Reckmann and Rock Garden Boers Nirvana took 12th in the class.

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We are so proud of all the goats but mostly the kids who showed them.  We have a great bunch of young adults, their parents AND grandparents enjoying the goat world.  Keep it up!


Another new year of winners.  We attended a couple of ABGA shows this year and while we didn’t win there we have gathered a lot of very valuable knowledge and experience.  We made many new friends and watched some great goats.

We took our daughter and two of our doelings to the Treasure Valley Classic in Homedale, Idaho.  We attended Maddie Fenton’s Fitting and Showing clinic the day before the show and learned some very valuable information.  Thank you Maddie! On Sunday, Marie and Rock Garden Boers Rhiannon won her breeding class and then went on to win overall Reserve Grand Champion breeding doe.  It was a great day for our family.

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 Union County Fair

At the Union County Fair we leased Rock Garden Boers Rhiannon and Stonebrier Farm’s Rich Delight to Truvey Miller to show in the breeding classes.  Both goats took first over all in their breeding age class and Rich Delight went on to take over all Reserve Grand Champion for meat goats.  Yay Truvey!

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Kitsap County Fair

Doug and I attended the 2014 Kitsap County Fair in Bremerton, Washington.  Again the Harper girls did not disappoint.   image Amelia and Hobbes won Grand Champion in Showmanship in her age class     image   Addie and Calvin won Reserve Grand Champion in Showmanship in her age division.   image And for the second year in a row Amelia and her wether Hobbes won Grand Champion Market Goat.  We couldn’t be  more proud of these two girls.  We will miss them next year as they travel out of state with their parents.     image Tyler Baugh and his wether Dude aka Cupcake placed third in the market class at the Benton Franklin County Fair in Washington.  Way to go Tyler!   image       Also two of our doelings we sold to to Mandy Rogers went to the Klamath County Fair.  Aretha won Grand Chanpion in her breeding class and If won Reserve Grand Champion.  Wow how exciting!  Aretha is third from the right.  Mandy said that Aretha received lots of compliments on her bone structure and they said If was very feminine looking.


The following pictures are of Addie and Amelia Harper with their market wethers.  They purchased two of our January wethers and named them Ford and Chevy.  Doug and I traveled to the Kitsap County Fair to watch these talented girls show their beefy boys.  Thank you Addie and Amelia for purchasing our boys and creating such awesome market wethers!  Ford weighed 93 lbs and Chevy weighed a whooping 116 lbs!


Addie and Ford Grand Champion Showmanship

Addie and Ford
Grand Champion Showmanship
Intermediate Class


Amelia and Chevy Grand Champion Showmanship Junior Class

Amelia and Chevy
Grand Champion Showmanship
Junior Class


1st Place Market Goat Competition

Addie and Ford
1st Place Market Goat Competition


Amelia and Chevy Grand Champion Market Goat

Amelia and Chevy
Grand Champion Market Goat


Ford and Chevy resting before their big competition

Ford and Chevy resting before their big competition




Here is Breannah Lopez and her wether Macchiato.  Doug and I attended the Umatilla County Fair and watched this young lady show Macchiato.  It was very evident that she put a lot of work into growing and working with this goat.  The two of them together won Reserve Champion in the Novice Showmanship Class and 3rd Place Market Goat.  We were so proud to see them do so good. image image


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Here are some pictuers of some of our wethers and doeling that were shown at the Eastern Oregon Stock Show and Union County Fair in 2012.

They took Grand Champion in Cleo’s breeding class at EOLS


Caleb and Cleo winning Reserve Champion in showmanship at EOLS

Caleb and Cleo winning Reserve Champion in showmanship at EOLS