About The Rock Garden Boer Ranch:
Our ten acre mini-ranch is located in Northeast Oregon, nestled in the Blue Mountains. Our view from the East slope of Mt. Emily takes in the whole Grande Ronde Valley, featuring a mosaic of farms raising livestock, grass seed and mint.
Our Business:
(2011) We started our adventure with Boer goats in August, 2011. Doug, my husband, decided to buy a couple of goats, to eat the weeds (he was tired of spraying weed killer every year). Those two goats have blossomed into a whole new opportunity. We now have one full blood Boer buck, five full blood does, eight purebred Boer does, and three Grade Boer does. Six of the initial does we purchased were pregnant, and starting kidding on December 15, 2011. By February 1, 2012, we had kidded 15 babies. ‘Oh what an experience’. We lost one of the triplets and our newest mommy Daisy lost one of her twins. We even had quads and all survived! That may not mean much to some ,but to us we felt like we conquered the world. Of course, Nanny, the dam, did all the work.
When we advertised butcher goats for sale, we received a call from a 4-H group looking for wethers. They purchased all four of them for Eastern Oregon Livestock Show and Union County Fair. One of the youths didn’t have a wether, so we leased one of our doelings to him to show at both events.
As a child I have shown horses and I supported our daughter through her horse 4-H years and enjoyed every minute. Keeping track of all these goats is going to be challenging.
We raise quality Traditional, Red and Paint Boer goats for 4-H and FFA shows, breeding stock and shows, Pets and meat. Our stock includes Fullbloods, purebreds, and grade Boer goats.
Contact Us Via The Following:
Rock Garden Boers
Doug & Diane Dalton
62388 Starr Lane
La Grande, OR 97850
Ranch phone: (541)962-7326
Cell phone: (541)910-5617 or (541)663-7092
or email us at rockgardenboers@yahoo.com